Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome. My name is Muriel Sammons, author of The Little Boy and The Tiny Yellow Kitten. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here.

I’ll be using this blog to interact with you about The Little Boy and The Tiny Yellow Kitten, expanding on some of the topics in it and blogging on some of the ideas related to my book. This is a great place for you to get to know me, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you, too. What did you think of The Little Boy and The Tiny Yellow Kitten? What questions do you have for me? How do you relate to my book?

I’ll be returning here frequently with new posts and responses to feedback from you. Until next time, tell me a little bit about yourself.

1 Comments on “Welcome To My Blog!”

  1. This is a story of a boy who was different, didn’t fit the norm! He was bullied, felt unwanted, unloved and was very lonely. He met a tiny kitten who also felt unloved, unwanted and was very lonely. They met and ……

    Often children who don’t fit the norm fall through the cracks of society. They are often misdiagnosed; often their “out of the ordinary” actions are classified as misbehaviors when there could be a deeper problem that needs to be further investigated before placing a shallow diagnosis on the child!

    Give the gift that lasts a lifetime, The Love of Reading!
    Contact Muriel Sammons for your own copy of this book, 423 258 4791 or go on https://www.murielsammons.com

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